Feb 27, 2014

Event Tomorrow at Uptown Theater to Announce Funds for Restoration of Bailey Avenue Landmark

The Bailey Avenue Business Association (BABAC) and the University Community Development Association (UDCDA) will receive $150,000 check in state funds tomorrow at the Uptown Theater, 3165 Bailey at 10am that will be used to rehabilitate the neighborhood landmark.
Varsity Uptown Theater

The theater was purchased by Abraham Cissé in 2010 who has been working since then to get it operational once again. The money to be presented tomorrow will help with the final push to open it to the public. Originally known as the Varsity, the theater was built in 1923 for James Cardina and was later owned by the Basil Brothers syndicate.

Once the final improvements have been completed the theater will be utilized by the youth program the UDCDA operates, it could serve the adjacent early childhood center and Westminster Charter School, have live performances, and maybe even screen movies. Several active groups and neighbors have also help the owner in the past with clean-up and restoration efforts like the University Heights Tool Library and Buffalo's Young Preservationists.
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