Sep 25, 2012

Construction Watch: White Brother's Livery

The White Brother's Livery on Jersey Street is coming back to life as Savarino Companies continues work to build on the remnants the iconic West Side landmark. It suffered a substantial collapse in 2008 as a result of the previous neglectful and irresponsible property owner. Shortly before the collapse I actually called the owner who informed me of his ridiculous, $450,000 asking price.

Thankfully, the neighbors were largely supportive of preserving and rebuilding the Livery rather than seeing it go to the landfill. In fact, the next-door neighbor granted an easement for the project that will allow for an ADA compliant entrance. This is the same neighbor who had their garage destroyed during the collapse, which really shows you how dedicated the neighbors are to seeing the Livery rise again. Savarino will be building them a new garage before the end of the year.

From the outside it would appear that progress is slow; however within the remains of the building crews have constructed new 12' deep foundations and are currently restoring the exterior brick walls from the inside out. The underground fuel tanks have been removed and utility services have been brought into the building. Further progress will be evident in the coming weeks as structural steel will be installed followed immediately by roof framing and reconstruction of the top portion of the iconic front brick façade.

When completed in June of 2013 the project will feature enclosed parking on the first floor and a total of 14 apartment units on the second and third floors. It will be managed jointly by West Side Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. and Savarino Companies.
For more photos of the work click here.

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